Thursday, October 25, 2007

didn't plan to do this in Iraq...

Ugg I have phone's a stupid post that was invented to punish certain people, now we all have to do it. I sleep next to a phone in the office, if it rings I have to go wake up the Major....but if the phone doesn't wake me up, it will automatically forward to his room anyway, completely pointless.


bnovak said...

Does his phone ring much at night? I wouldn't like his job either because you get disturbed at all sorts of hours. Well anyway, hope you don't get that duty shift too often! Right now your time is 5:56 a.m. so I guess you're done with the shift. : )

Anonymous said...

I have been receiving updates to your blog and making copies of them to pass on each week to your grandmother at Upper Essex. Simply hearing something about you makes her week. We are all praying for your safety as you serve.