Monday, September 3, 2007

Arrived and How to Communicate

Will is now officially at his 'home' in Iraq for the next 7 or so months. He was able to call on Saturday and say he was there. He says the chow hall had a wide variety and was happy to see things from home like "Coke" were available. He is very grateful for the kindness of CEC for the phone cards. They work perfectly and certainly help as a morale boost.

I have moved forward with trying out a few communication techniques. I want to get a feel of the different types so I could answer or help anyone else with questions. Check out the post early on this blog about "Investigating communication" for specific details about these avenues.

First I called the post office and requested the Military Care package set. That was super easy. About half a week later a big box appeared with great supplies in it. They shipped me 6 boxes (of 3 flat rate sizes), a role of tape, customs forms, address stickers, and the baggies for everything. I have completed my first box which will go out tomorrow morning. From the address link on the side bar, I've linked to an example of how to fill out the customs form. It was VERY helpful to me, since this is all new to me. From what I understand it should be $8 and some change to ship this package. I've read that you should not mix food and hygiene style products in one box. So the box I'm sending has no food, but other goodies that can be useful. I will try my best to send them about once a month, so if you want something to go in one let me know ;).

Next up, I've also tried MotoMail. I think I really like it, and once it is confirmed that all went as planned with it, I think I'd recommend it to anyone fairly computer savvy who would like to send letters or notes to our troops. MotoMail is a hybrid email / letter provider for the troops. We write into the system similar to an email, then it is printed at his base and handed to him like a letter. I've written one and it appears it was printed for delivery 14 hours after I wrote it. Not too bad of a deal. It stepped me through the process for setting up his address in the system. If this first test one went well, I plan to send these on a fairly regular basis. Maybe to tell him what I've been up to that day or any little tidbits from home. They are super easy and hopefully if it all went well a great way of adding a regular taste of home.


Carolyn said...

It has been confirmed that the address works. His MotoMail arrived the day the system told me it printed. It was nice to have a letter printed and handed to him.

bnovak said...

I was able to sign up for motomail today, too. You need to have Will's mailing address to sign up. The first time I tried it the computer blocked me out half way through. On the second try it went without a hitch and I was then able to write a letter to him. I got an email confirmation that it was indeed on its way to Iraq. Unlike email I can't find my sent letter in any file, so next time I'll try harder to figure out some way or place to save it. It's nice to be able to send Will a letter that will be delivered in a day or two versus snail mail which might be a couple of weeks to get to him! Carolyn, thanks for your excellent information which is so clearly written. You made it very easy to be involved. Hope you get my motomail letter soon, Will! Take care.

Anonymous said...

FYI:The website for motomail is It's really easy to set up and the Quick Letter Writer download can sit right on your desktop.

Thanks Carolyn for keeping us posted.


Carolyn said...

The packages that were mailed on the 4th and 5th both arrived today. So that is about 10 days at this current time. I'm sure it will be more during peak times (X-mas).

Will said - "I got your packages today :)

It was fun opening them. Thank you."