Monday, December 3, 2007

Base PX 101

I am not sure if it’s a funny story, but it's an odd perspective on the PX system here in Iraq.

I will confirm the story of another entertaining milblogger in the fact that the PX has lacy frilly women’s underwear. I am pretty sure they are not combat/field expedient. Maybe they wear them in their cans to feel like a woman in the desert? I guess I have my rifle to help me feel like a man, so whatever works? I jest, their underwear are not a hot ticket item for some reason.

Another aspect of our PX system here, the prices don’t match. The PX on mainside is much larger than the one we have on lakeside. A 25 pack of DVD-R’s on lake side is 1.50 cheaper than on mainside? I am not sure how this works but whatever, I’ll buy the cheaper ones.

Cheese in a can anyone? I am pretty sure no one in the states has the stuff anymore, because they shipped it all overseas to sell in our PX (or at least all the expired ones).


bnovak said...

Wow Will! Thanks for the education on PX's! I remember asking Carolyn if I could send you something comfy to wear when you are in the can, and she said no, not even in the can are you allowed to be in anything not issued by the Marines. So that must even apply to women Marines, no? So I'm going to go on the "cheap thrills" line of reasoning: Those undies probably weigh less than nothing to ship from the US to Iraq and take up no room in the jet, and can be displayed on a prominent end cap at the PX and remind all the guys of being back in the states. The PX probably never runs out of them due to the lack of sales, so I'm guessing those are probably the same ones from when the PX was built! Have fun holiday shopping and take care... Carolyn's Mom

Anonymous said...

A 10 cent pair of ladies frilly underwear wouldn’t last 2 seconds on a shelf at WalMart. That’s cheaper than a postage stamp. Come to think of it---WalMart could probably sell expired canned cheese too.