Thursday, November 15, 2007

Chow hall food on the recycle.

On a typical night you can always get hamburgers (vegetarian only), hotdogs, onion rings, French fries and grilled cheese (they make really good grilled cheese here). Your typical style American high in fat caloric intake. There is usually a choice of two main dishes. They have about 14 different main dishes they choose to serve here. Mix and match two main dishes with the staple of rice or mashed potatoes, and there are usually two veggie choices.

I am not sure who eats wax beans or why? They look like sickly string beans (green beans to some). Canned corn and cauliflower are staples in the vegetable mix-up. When you run out of enough of one kind to serve the base, you then serve mixed veggies.

Anyone else remember the swan pizzas? I do, and they have them in Iraq. It must be one heck of a delivery fee, but the pizzas are always available for chow. You can also get various types of sandwiches or a meager salad. For a combat zone the chow hall here is actually very well stocked.


Lisa said...

Will, this brought visions of the M*A*S*H TV show mess hall to my mind. I am in total agreement with you on the waxed beans! And while a veggie burger might be nice once in a while, that would get old.

We take things for granted until we read about something like this.

Take care, and don't eat too much pizza! ;-)

bnovak said...

Hey Will! Good to hear from you!Did Carolyn tell you that your blog had a hit from a place called PC Mechanic that recommended 40 blogs to read to get an honest idea of what it is like in the military in Iraq? I thought that was totally cool! Anyway, what on earth in swan pizza? I have never heard of that! Take care and stay safe. Carolyn's Mom